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Brighton Girls Cross Country



Hello, my name is Nikki Carothers. I am a senior this year and began running cross country in 7th grade at Scranton. I started running simply because I loved running, but quickly learned that I loved racing even more. Cross country is my favorite sport because you get out of it what you put into it. I am very excited to continue to push myself and the team to a winning championship season! I am so grateful to be able to run everyday with the team because they always keep me going, even when it isn’t easy. I also love our team culture because we are ready to work hard and compete, but also do it with a smile on our faces. In my spare time I love traveling and I am an avid skier and snowboarder. I can’t wait to see what we accomplish this year!



Hello, my name is Carrigan Eberly and I am a senior on the Brighton cross country team. I have been a multi-sport athlete all of my life though I am proud to say that cross country is the sport I love most. I began running in 3rd grade through a girls running program at my school and that’s when I discovered my love for racing. I run year-round with many of my incredible teammates and I often spend much of my own time on the lake. After high school, I plan to attend the United States Air Force Academy and to be a part of their cross country and track and field teams. Brighton cross country has brought me so much, between unforgettable bonds amongst the team and personal growth, mentally and physically. It has truly shaped many of us athletes to be who we are today. I am more than fortunate to be a part of this sport and this team and I cannot wait for us to take on new challenges this year, all in.




Hi there! My name is Gabrielle (Gabi) Bolitho. I am a captain of the Brighton cross country team and have been running all my life. Whether it was running 5k’s with my mom when I was five or going on runs through the woods at our cabin, it always brought me joy. Throughout the experiences life has brought me, I discovered that running with my teammates/closest friends and pushing each other to be our best selves is a feeling that is beyond compare. From the adrenaline rush of racing to the peaceful long runs, cross county has become an unmatchable sport for me. I am excited to share these experiences with my team as we dig deep to put forth the best versions of ourselves: as a team, as individual runners, and as human beings. Brighton cross country is here to fight, and I am excited to be a part of the journey.




 Hello, my name is Charlotte Kime and I’m a senior captain for Brighton Cross Country. I started running in fourth grade with Girls on the Run, and I’ve been running track and cross country ever since. I’ve played lots of other sports throughout my life, but I’ve stuck with running because it helps me to grow as a person, and also because of the amazing teammates it has brought me. Cross country is a unique sport because we are all responsible for our own work ethics, but at the same time we must work together to accomplish our team goals. This sport has taught me to work hard and to set goals, which has helped me both as an athlete and in the rest of my life as well. I am super excited for this season because I know the team will go far, and I can’t wait to see how we grow. After high school, I would like to join a college run club, and eventually run a marathon!

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